Chiropractic Health Center Wellness Group & Advanced Skin Therapy new clinic!
Chiropractic Health Center Wellness Group and Advanced Skin Therapy will be officially opening on September 12th 2022. We are waiting on the floors to be completed so we,along with our team members, can call it home!There has been a lot of change that has fueled this latest partnership between Dawn and I. For the last 15 years we have worked as a team together while building separate businesses. We took this relationship and created a new partnership and relationship for the next 10 years. It’s nice to have stability in such a volatile world these days. I am so blessed for God sending me Dawn! She has been a stable corner stone in my life for the past 15 years. And I am just grateful beyond words!
#God#Discover#Transformation#Awaken#Integrate#opportunity#Business#Goals#Relationships#Friendships#Team#chiropractic#Skincare#Health 2217 S. Bascom Ave Campbell Ca 95008 408.209.2901